One World Under Doom Archives

Marvel Comics' Full February 2025 Solicits And Solicitations
Okay here you go, Marvel's full February 2025 solicits and solicitations, kicking off One World Under Doom… pictures going up… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #1 (OF 9) Ryan North (W) • R.B[...]
Angel Wears the Mask in One World Under Doom February Spins Offs
Marvel Comics is definitely putting the Fantastic Four back in the spotlight ahead of the new movie, with Free Comic Book Day instead of Avengers, and now a natural central role in the One World Under Doom event in February alongside other X-Men, with Fantastic Four #19, Storm #5 and X-Factor #7 It wasn't that[...]
Thunderbolts: Doomstrike From Marvel Comics In 2025
Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Tommaso Bianchi's Thunderbolts: Doomstrike, a tie-in series to One World Under Doom, launches in February, with Thunderbolts vs Thunderbolts*… THUNDERBOLTS: DOOMSTRIKE #1 (OF 5) Written by COLLIN KELLY & JACKSON LANZING Art by TOMMASO BIANCHI Cover by LEINIL FRANCIS YU On Sale 2/19 REVOLUTION… LIKE LIGHTNING! Doom took over the world[...]
Doctor Doom Declares He Is Emperor Of The World, Renames It Latveria
Marvel Comics promised that in February, One World Under Doom by Ryan North and R.B Silva "will be the core comic series of a new era of the Marvel Universe that sees Doctor Doom reign supreme", kicking off Marvel's first major comics event of 2025. ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #1 (OF 9) Written by RYAN NORTH Art[...]
One World Under Doctor Doom Begins In Tomorrow's Avengers (Spoilers)
It looks like One World Under Doom kicks off in tomorrow's Avengers #19 by Jed MacKay and Farid Karami with a killer cover from Valerio Schiti As Doctor Doom encounters the Avengers and suggests that they be a little less like the Avengers and more like the Authority Captain America is a little less parochial,[...]
Marvel Launch Sequel to Strange Academy, Doom Academy in February 2025
João Lemos' research on Eastern European folklore and fairytales is astounding." "Announced earlier this week, ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM is an overarching status quo shift coming to Marvel Comics, the likes of which haven't been seen since 2008's Dark Reign Spinning out of Blood Hunt where Doctor Doom manipulated Doctor Strange into passing him the mantle[...]
Marvel Announces "Rise Of Emperor Doom" For 2025
Silva's Rise Of Emperor Doom, a five-issue event series tied to the upcoming One World Under Doom, and launching in February 2025 With the NYCC Marvel Comics: Next Big Thing Panel with Editor in Chief C.B Cebulski, VP & Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, and Fantastic Four writer Ryan North talking up the new series and[...]
"ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM His reign begins in 2025."  A new Marvel Comics event for 2025 which follows after Blood Hunt. One might also wonder if it had anything to do with a new Fantastic Four series that was also teased earlier today at the Diamond Retailer lunch by Marvel editor-in-chief C.B Cebulski. We were to find[...]