Wizards Unite Archives

New Datamine Discovers Sylveon & Goodra Added to Pokémon GO
April is a busy month for those in the Wizarding World fighting to suppress the Calamity in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Niantic's narrative mobile game which picks up the story of J K Rowlings' Harry Potter novels years later will wrap up its A Weasley Predicament Brilliant Event on Monday only to launch right into the second Adversaries event[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Announces A Weasley Predicament Part 1
A Weasley Predicament Brilliant Event Part 1 begins in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite tomorrow at 11 AM Pacific Ahead of this Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes-themed event, we have the full tasks and rewards that will run in the event's special assignment Prepare for the first Brilliant Event of the month by reading through these and getting your[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Announces A Weasley Predicament Part 1
Niantic has announced the full details for the next Brilliant Event in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, titled "A Weasley Predicament Part 1." This event follows from the events of this week's New Mauraders Part 2 Brilliant Event which ended with the shocking revelation that the Unforgivable has targeted the Weasleys as a result of Harry Potter[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite New Mauraders Part Two Review
The New Mauraders Brilliant Event Part 2 has now wrapped up in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite This narrative event tasked players with a Special Assignment that focused on a surge of the Calamity involving James Potter's time at school Let's take a look at how this event, which was shorter than usual due to Harry[...]
Ancient Dragons Descend in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
It may seem as if the current March 2021 Brilliant Event is just getting started in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, but Niantic has announced the details of the next Adversaries Event The Adversaries Events boost certain encounters in the new Adversaries mechanic introduced in December 2020, wherein players enter a chain of battles with foes[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Announces April 2021 Events
The delays that plagued Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in March won't be a worry in April Niantic has already announced the full events happening in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in April 2021 including a two-part Weasley-themed Brilliant Event, two Adversaries events, and, as per usual, the monthly Community Day. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Brilliant Event graphic[...]
Thanos Celebrates His Win in This Thor #22 Original
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now running its second Brilliant Event of March 2021 The New Mauraders Brilliant Event Part 2 will run from today, March 29th at 11 AM Pacific, until April 2nd at 11 AM Pacific We now have the full tasks and rewards for the event to share with our readers, so let's[...]
Comics Creator Ben Kahn’s Pokémon 25th Anniversary Wishes
After delaying their March 2021 events for a necessary software update, Niantic hosted the first of two Brilliant Events in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite this past week with New Mauraders Part One Let's see if this event, which looks back on the childhood of Harry Potter's parents, made up for lost time. Brilliant Event graphic in[...]
Thanos Celebrates His Win in This Thor #22 Original
While the current Adversaries event continues, Niantic has announced the details for the New Mauraders Brilliant Event Part 2 in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite This event continues from last week's installment which saw a rebellious Harry Potter resist the game's villains, The Unforgivable, in their warning to stop manipulating the Calamity The event ended in[...]
Comics Creator Ben Kahn’s Pokémon 25th Anniversary Wishes
The second Adversaries Event of March 2021 is now live in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite This event will task players with taking on the Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon as well as Peter Pettigrew, AKA Wormtail, the man who betrayed his one-time friends Lily and James Potter to Voldemort, kickstarting the events that led to the main conflict[...]
Tasks for the New Mauraders Part 1 in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
The New Mauraders Brilliant Event Part One, which is running for a shorter time than usual, is now live in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Is the Special Assignment doable, though? Let's take a look. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite New Mauraders graphic Credit: Niantic The full tasks and rewards from the New Mauraders Brilliant Event Part One Special Assignment[...]
Therian Thundurus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2021
March 2021 has been an unusual month for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite players When the game's March events weren't announced a few days into the month, many began to question what was happening on the game's official forum, which also functions as the platform in which Niantic posts all game updates Confirmation game shortly later that[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Launches Narcissa Malfoy Themed Event
After two weeks of delays and bonus events tiding over the time until the proper software updates could be made, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is prepping the first of two Adversaries Events this month The first one features Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Credit: Niantic The full details for this Adversaries Event were posted[...]
Delays Are Done! Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Sets March 2021 Events
After a prolonged delay due to bugs in the game, Niantic has announced the full details for March 2021 events in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Even though the festivities will begin halfway through the month, everything that players have expected from the game every month will go live in March, including two Brilliant Events, two Adversaries[...]
Shiny Nosepass Arrives in Pokémon GO: Searching for Legends Event
Niantic has yet to announce the full details for their March 2021 events in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, but they have confirmed a three-day Spotlight Event kicking off this Friday Let's see what is going on in this game that takes place after J K Rowling's beloved Harry Potter novels, continuing the story of Harry with player involvement. Harry[...]
The Unreleased Hoenn Shinies in Pokémon GO – Complete Rankings
The Imperfect Love Brilliant Event Part 2 is wrapping up in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Let's see what worked and what didn't in this event which showed the darker side of "love" in J K Rowling's Wizarding World. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite An Imperfect Love registry page Credit: Niantic What Worked in This Harry Potter: Wizards[...]
The Unreleased Hoenn Shinies in Pokémon GO – Part Two
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite kicks off the An Imperfect Love Brilliant Event Part 2 today, and we have the full tasks and rewards for the Special Assignment Let's dive into this Malfor Manor-themed event to see if we will be able to complete these tasks and claim these rewards in the week of time we[...]
The Unreleased Hoenn Shinies in Pokémon GO – Part Two
Well, this Brilliant Event took a turn for the dark. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite kicked off the first half of their monthly Brilliant Event, titled "An Imperfect Love," with a romance-themed surge of the calamity manipulated by Hermione Granger We saw Valentine's Day-inspired Foundables featuring notable references to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, where Ron and Hermione's[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite: An Imperfect Love Review
Rowling's iconic series, has ended in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite This event saw Niantic make some alterations to the expected tasks in the Special Assignment, so now let's look back and determine if these changes were for the best or if the events were better as is. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite: An Imperfect Love graphic[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Announces Aragog-themed Event
(Note: This is partly me addressing myself.) Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has announced the details of this Tuesday's Adversaries Event, which will focus on Ron Weasley's greatest fear: spiders In specific, a spider that fans of the Wizarding World will know well: Aragog. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Aragog-themed Event image Credit: Niantic Niantic posted the details of this[...]
Arlo Battle Guide for Pokémon GO Players: February 2021
Next week, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite will kick off its first Brilliant Event of February 2021 with An Imperfect Love Part 1 This event will feature a Special Assignment and, ahead of its launch, we have the full tasks and rewards on deck Let's dive in. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite An Imperfect Love Part 1 graphic Credit:[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Triwizarding Secrets Part 2 Review
The Triwizarding Secrets Brilliant Event Part 2 is wrapping up in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Let's take a look at what worked and what didn't in this narrative event. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite's Triwizarding Secrets Part 2 graphic Credit: Niantic What Worked in This Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Event Harry Potter returns: The story in these Harry Potter:[...]
Poké Spotlight: Getting to Know Miltank Outside of Pokémon GO
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has announced the game's February 2021 events including a Community Day, two Brilliant Events, and two Adversaries events Let's take a look at the details now so that the wizards and witches of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force can prepare. February Brilliant Event graphic for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Credit: Niantic On[...]
Tasks & Rewards for the Johto Timed Research in Pokémon GO
This past weekend, Niantic hosted an extended Community Day in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Did this extra half-day of gameplay enrich this event? Let's take a look at what worked and what didn't work in this Harry Potter: Wizards Unite January 2021 Community Day. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite logo Credit: Niantic What Worked in This Harry Potter: Wizards Unite[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Triwizarding Secrets Part 2 Event Tasks
The Triwizarding Secrets Brilliant Event Part 2 goes live in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite today This event will focus on the Brilliant Prefects' Bathroom Registry Page, recreating the scene from Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire where Harry Potter, while Moaning Myrtle peeped at him from behind those ghostly spectacles, took the Golden Egg into the[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Triwizarding Secrets Part 2 Event Details
It has been quite the busy month for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite players On the heels of the first Brilliant Event of the year, Triwizarding Secrets Part 1, wrapping up, we saw an Adversaries Event directly followed by an elongated Community Day Now, as January draws to a close, Triwizarding Secrets Part 2 will continue the Harry[...]
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite January 2021 Community Day Details
Today is the very first Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Community Day of 2021 January Community Day is set to focus on an aspect of the beloved book series with which fans will be quite familiar: Platform 9 3/4 from the King's Cross Station Relive the memories and ride Hogwarts Express once again in this all-day event. Harry Potter:[...]
Full Details for Tonight’s Shroomish Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO
As the Triwizarding Secrets Brilliant Event Part 1 ends in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Niantic isn't giving us wizards and witches attempting to push back on the Calamity a breather The game is launching directly into the January 2021 Adversaries Event, which continues the month's Goblet of Fire theme that began with Triwizarding Secrets This Adversaries Event,[...]
Kyogre Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: January 2021
Triwizarding Secrets Brilliant Event Part 1 is wrapping up in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Let's take a look at 2021's first Brilliant Event to see what worked and what didn't. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Triwizarding Secrets promo image Credit: Niantic What Worked in This Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Event The Special Assignment: Overall, this aspect is what Niantic struggles[...]
All Leagues Are Available in Pokémon GO’s GO Battle League Season 6
Well, he's not so much celebrating thanks to a nasty case of Death By Snakebite, but Niantic is celebrating the late Professor's birthday with a one-day event in Harry Potter. Here are the details. Snape in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Credit: Niantic Is that a doe Patronus I see galloping in the distance? This day paying homage to Severus Snape will[...]