TTRPG Archives

Comedy Troupe Monty Python Now Has Their Own TTRPG
For any Monty Python fan who has wondered, "What would it be like if they made a TTRPG based on their comedy?" we would say, "'Tis a silly question." But now we know, as we now have a tabletop role-playing game based on the group and their comedy, just in time for the 50th Anniversary[...]
New Core Rulebook For Fallout: Factions Drops For Pre-Order
Modiphius Entertainment has thrown a new item up for pre-order for their upcoming TTRPG Fallout: Factions, as you can snag the Core Rulebook This is a full 112-page rulebook that covers everything you need to know about the game and how best to play, with an introduction to several mechanics and concepts. Including their version of[...]
Invincible – Superhero Roleplaying
Free League Publishing has partnered with Skybound Entertainment for an incredible TTRPG, as the comic book series Invincible will be getting its own roleplaying game. The name of it will simply be Invincible – Superhero Roleplaying and it will launch with a Starter Set and a Core Rulebook for you to play out being a superhero in their[...]
Daggerheart TTRPG Announced For Release This May
Darrington Press, the publishing wing of Critical Role, has confirmed the official release date for their all-new TTRPG, Daggerheart After a couple of years of testing the game and teasing it forever on their own shows, the game will finally be released on Mat 20, 2025 The team is offering a Standard Core Set and[...]
Auto Draft
Modiphius Entertainment has officially launched a brand new TTRPG title this week, as the mediaeval title Doomsong has arrived The team has created a limited number of physical copies for sale, as well as a PDF version of the title, as you'll enter a world teetering on the edge of a Biblical apocalypse We have[...]
Triangle Agency Core Rulebook Has Been Listed For Pre-Order
This TTRPG was designed by Caleb Zane Huett and Sean Ireland, as the Core Rulebook contains 300 pages of everything needed to create unique Field Agents, as well as prepare Anomalous investigations as a General Manager.  The book alone is being sold for about $60, with various additional item opens ranging from dice to a[...]
Two New Lord Of The Rings TTRPG Products Hit Pre-Order
Free League Publishing has announced two new books coming to each of their TTRPG titles for The Lord of the Rings, which are now up for pre-order First off, those of you who play The One Ring will soon get Realms of the Three Rings, while those of you over on The Lord of the[...]
Return Of The Living Dead TTRPG Announced at PAX West
Evil Genius Games announced at PAX Unplugged they are bringing back a classic TTRPG system, as Return of the Living Dead will be added to their catalog Working with Living Dead Media, the company will create a new adventure based on the zombie franchise through a licensing partnership with undisclosed details and timeframes at the time[...]
Forteller Games Launches Quickstart For Debut TTRPG Sunset
Forteller Games, which has primarily been making immersive music for other games, has a new TTRPG on the way, and their debut title is Sunset The game focuses on players being able to process and be introspective with life and death, as the game touches on a number of real-world issues their characters can go[...]
Modiphius Entertainment Is Crowdfunding a Discworld TTRPG
Modiphius Entertainment has announced that they are going to be making a TTRPG title based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld franchise, and they're crowdfunding it to get it started The team secured the rights to make a base game along with some additional expansions of content, with the usual set of special editions and tiers for[...]
Vaesen Announces Two New Expansions For 2025
Free League Publishing has confirmed that Vaesen will bring two new expansions to the TTRPG, both of which will go through crowdfunding before their 2025 release The first of the two new additions will be Mythic Carpathia, which will have you facing off against Vampires, Rusalkas, and Baba Yaga; while the second is called City of[...]
Titmouse Reveals New TTRPG: Drunkards, Druggies, & Delinquents
Animation studio Titmouse has revealed their latest endeavor into the world of tabletop gaming, as they revealed a new TTRPG called Drunkards, Druggies, & Delinquents While the team didn't show off any of the mechanics behind it in the announcement, they did confirm this will be a humorous game designed around chaotic storytelling and, if[...]
Auto Draft
Renegade Game Studios has announced that Welcome to Night Vale will be getting its own TTRPG, but first, they need some crowdfunding The team will launch a BackerKit campaign on October 1, 2024, with the goal of fully funding the game for production ahead of its release, which doesn't have a set date yet In case you[...]
Pirate Borg Has Revealed New Set Of Expansions
Tabletop publisher Limithron has announced several new additions are coming to the Pirate Borg TTRPG, as players will get new content as part of a few expansions The company revealed that they will launch a Kickstarter on September 17 for Talk Like A Pirate Day, in which they will seek funding for two different books[...]
New TTRPG Liveplay Show Sunday Spy Club Announced
Gaming content channel Pixel Circus revealed a brand new TTRPG actual play show this week, as espionage and spies take center stage with Sunday Spy Club In what's been described by the channel as "Charlie's Angels meets Totally Spies," four women have been recruited into a new club where they jump into action for a[...]
Star Trek Adventures Second Edition Arrives In Pre-Order
The team has essentially started to relaunch the TTRPG with an updated set of rules and guidelines, along with the Game Toolkit and a Digital Quickstart Guide featuring The Celestial Algorithm adventure What's more, for those who love classic Trek or the Strange New Worlds era of the franchise, they are offering up the book[...]
Mutant Year Zero: Zone Wars Announced For June Release
Both of these boxed sets are designed to give you a more in-depth experience with the TTRPG than normal, with figures, a rulebook, a game mat, dice, tokens, and more The Core Set will be the main game that you play to get yourself started on a new campaign, while Robots & Psionics will add[...]
Dimension 20 Is Playing Madison Square Garden In 2025
Dropout announced their TTRPG live-play show Dimension 20 is getting the biggest gig of its life, as the show will be at Madison Square Garden next January The show will take place on Friday, January 24, 2025, as Gauntlet At The Garden will be a one-night-only gameplay session featuring Brennan Lee Mulligan as your GM,[...]
DriveThruRPG Launches Over 90 Heist-Themed TTRPGs
DriveThruRPG has launched a number of new titles onto their system, as we now have access to all of the TTRPGs created during the latest Pocket Quest event If you're not familiar with this system, Pocket Quest is basically their game jam event where they challenge people to create a smile title with a theme[...]
Alien: The Roleplaying Game Arrives On The Nexus Platform
Those who have an account will be able to access everything released for the TTRPG, from the Core Rulebook all the way to the latest adventures and supplemental resources As well as the ability to join a campaign with a GM so everything can be managed in a single system We have the finer details[...]
Darrington Press Announces Daggerheart Open Beta
The team is making and open call to all players, designers, and fans of their products to try out this new original fantasy TTRPG, as you'll be able to take part ion the testing starting on March 12 All are encouraged to play a limited version of the game for free and really examine it[...]
Free League Publishing Announces Coriolis: The Great Dark
Free League Publishing has a new TTRPG in the works as Coriolis: The Great Dark has been announced with a crowdfunding campaign on the way Designed by FLP's Kosta Kostulas, Nils Karlén, and Martin Grip, this is an all-new sci-fi title based in space that centers around exploring the vast unknown, unlocking the mysteries of[...]
Dragonbane Reveals Bestiary Sourcebook On The Way
Free League Publishing confirmed the new Bestiary book for their TTRPG Dragonbane will be released at the end of February As you might suspect from the name, this is basically their monster guide for any GMs looking to add a little spice to their campaign with some fearsome creatures, big and small, for players to[...]