ultimate Archives

Monster Week For Comic Shops With Absolute, Ultimate, H2SH & James Gunn
The new launch of a new Absolute title from DC, and the strangest of all the Absolute titles so far, as well as a demand that for the full experience it has to be read in print. James Gunn writes Peacemaker Presents Viugilante/Eagley Double Feature with Tim Seeley, Rex Ogle, Mitch Gerads and Matteo Lolli. And Patton[...]
Marvel Ultimate Universe Solicits for June 2025 Incursion & Opposition
Marvel Comics June 2025 solicits and solicitations for the Ultimate Universe are up With Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion #1, Ultimate Black Panther #17, Ultimates #13, Ultimate Spider-man #18, Ultimate Wolverine #6, and Ultimate X-Men #16 The Ultimates reinvent themselves, the mutant opposition try to repair Wolverine's mind and incursions are upon us… a a five-issue saga[...]
Bleeding Cool Gets Brand New Details For Ultimate Incursion #1
Bleeding Cool previously scooped the word that Marvel Comics was to publish Ultimate Spider-Man Incursion #1 in June After we noted last year that in the Timeslide comic, they teased Ultimate Incursion, and in Jonathan Hickman lore, an incursion occurs when one universe smashes into a parallel universe, leaving only one surviving That Free Comic[...]
Felicia Hardy And Richard Parker in Ultimate Spider-Man #14
Spoilers ahead, obviously… but not as big a spoiler as will be coming later! Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto, published today meet-cutes the sixteen-year-old Felicia Hardy and the fifteen-year-old Richard Parker. Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto Who takes his mask off and tells her his (first) name the very[...]
Marvel To Publish Ultimate Spider-Man Incursion in June 2025
I got word that Marvel Comics is to publish Ultimate Spider-Man Incursion #1 in June by Jonathan Hickman, with covers by Francesco Mobili and Kaare Andrews. What is it all about? In the Timeslide comic, they teased "Ultimate Incursion", and in Jonathan Hickman lore, an incursion occurs when one universe smashes into a parallel universe, leaving only one surviving[...]
Marvel Comics' Ultimate Solicits & Solicitations For May 2025
Ultimate Sabretooth strikes, father and son Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Richard Parker, team up against the Sinister Six and more Marvel's Ultimate comics line for May 2025 With Ultimate Black Panther #16, Ultimates #12, Ultimate Spider-Man #17, Ultimate Wolverine #5, and Ultimate X-Men #15, well into its second year "This summer, the Maker's return unleashes[...]
Absolute Superman #4 Tops Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Absolute Superman #4 tops the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for the 8th of February, 2025, beating out The Ultimates and Batman Marvel and DC Comics take five each, with a strong launch for the new Legacy Of Vader series, and continued strong performances from Phoenix, Batgirl, JSA and Poison Ivy. Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List Top[...]
Ultimate Beats Absolute In The Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Ultimate Spider-Man #13 is the first Marvel title to beat a DC Absolute title in the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List, but only just, beating out Absolute Wonder Woman #4 by ten percent Absolute Wonder Woman might have her arm back, but there's a new Ultimate Spider-Man under the suit Overall, DC has four in[...]
The Ultimate Marvel Comics May 2025 Solicits & Solicitations
Wolverine begins to question his past, Thor and Loki battle for the Asgardian throne and more in upcoming Ultimate Black Panther #15, Ultimates #11, Ultimate Spider-Man #16, Ultimate Wolverine #4, And Ultimate X-Men #14, from Marvel Comics in April 2025… ahead of the expected Ultimate event and the return of The Maker on the way[...]
The Ultimate Guardians Of The Galaxy Reveal True Cost Of The Maker
Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! The Ultimate Guardians Of The Galaxy reveal the true cost of The Maker in today's Ultimates #8 And this version of the Guardians Of The Galaxy takes its cue from the original Marvel version, created in 1968 by Arnold Drake and Gene Colan, as a team that had travelled from the far[...]
Marvel Comics Christmas Day
In Ultimate Black Panther, the ruling royal family of Wakanda is made an offer by the Kingdom of Khonshu-Ra, home to the Moon Knights and the Iron Fists, to resolve the conflict that Khonshu-Ra started. A two-state solution.  Everyone loves democracy, right? However, would the Khonshu-Ranians be able to return to Wakandan rule if they wished?[...]
SCOOP: Marvel In 2025 - The Ultimate Incursion
"The Ultimate Incursion" That's the latest word that Bleeding Cool has got about a number of plans coming from Marvel Comics for next year, courtesy of next week's Timeslide As a result, we are already starting to roll out a few articles And a Marvel In 2025 tag to gather them up. Jonathan Hickman, writer of Ultimate[...]
Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Absolute Batman #3 again absolutely dominates this list, beating out Ultimate Spider-Man, Marvel's best-seller, by a significant margin New Gods makes a strong launch for DC Comics too, beating Marvel's own launches, TVA and Hellverine. GI Joe is still outperforming for Image, as is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for IDW Five for Marvel., three for DC, one[...]
Marvel has released their March 2025 solicits and solicitations including Ultimate Gambit and Ultimate Kate Pryde along the way "The cover reveals and synopses for March's issues spotlight multiple debuts including Namor and Red Skull in ULTIMATES #10 and Gambit and Kitty Pryde in ULTIMATE WOLVERINE #3 Plus a new threat emerges in Wakanda in[...]
Mary Jane Watson's Family Christmas- Ultimate Spider-Man #12 Spoilers
This Wednesday's Ultimate Spider-Man #12 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Chechetto sees an Ultimate introduction to a minor Spider-Man character who takes over much of the issue… Gayle Watson Mary Jane Watson's sister, who made some minor, if prominent appearances way back when in the 616 Created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz for Amazing Spider-Man[...]
Ultimate Universe One Year In – Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Ultimate Universe One Year In tops the chart this week, as Marvel Comics puts five X-Men: From The Ashes books into the top ten with Ultimate X-Men along for the ride with Amazing Spider-Man Only two others made it in: Transformers from Skybound/Image and the launch of the new Batman Dark Patterns from Dan Watters[...]
New Ultimate Universe Versions of Classic Marvel Characters (Spoilers)
Ultimate Howard The Duck topped the traffic on Bleeding Cool yet again yesterday Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years Founded fifteen years ago and steeped in a history of comic book industry gossip a further fifteen[...]
New Ultimate Universe Versions of Classic Marvel Characters (Spoilers)
Ultimate Universe One Year In by Deniz Camp, Chris Condon, Jonas Scharf, and Alessandro Cappuccio is published this Wednesday to Marvel Comics Introducing the Ultimate Nick Fury, director of H.A.N.D, the secret police formed by The Maker to enforce his laws from The City of Latveria And giving us glimpses into the fate of other previously unseen Ultimate characters[...]
Marvel To Debut The New Ultimate Nick Fury
In The Ultimates by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch, Hitch chose to draw the Ultimate Nick Fury as if he were Samuel Jackson Even down to Mark Millar having him say that Samuel Jackson should play him in any movie based on The Ultimates So when the Marvel Cinematic Universe drew heavily on the Ultimate[...]
Frank Miller Draws Ultimate Reed Richards The Maker
Frank Miller continues his run of Marvel Comics covers that have so delighted Rob Liefeld recently, with one of Jonathan Hickman's recreations, The Maker, the Ultimate Reed Richards, for the upcoming Ultimate Universe: One Year In one-shot coming from Deniz Camp, Chris Condon, Jonas Scharf, and Alessandro Cappuccio. Ultimate Reed Richards was created by Brian Michael[...]
Ultimate Nightcrawler Is An Action Priest in Ultimate Wolverine
Marvel Comics has been pushing the new Ultimate Wolverine comic, launching in January 2025, by Chris Condon and Alessandro Cappuccio The comic features Wolverine as the new Winter Soldier, an agent of the Maker The new Ultimate Wolverine trailer reveals more art and more Ultimate characters, including Ultimate Mystique and Ultimate Nightcrawler, complete with dog collars. #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
Ultimate Luke Cage in Ultimate Marvel Comics February 2025 Solicits
Marvel Comics has dropped their Ultimate Marvel February 2025 solicits and solicitations ahead of the full monty tomorrow… "Marvel's new ULTIMATE UNIVERSE is about to enter its second year and readers can look forward to more of the unpredictable storytelling and bold character reinventions that have made the line such a blockbuster success! With the Maker's[...]
Charlii Hawkeye
Writer Deniz Camp talked about The Ultimates #5 earlier this week, Marvel's best-selling comic of the week, albeit selling a quarter of Absolute Batman in stores He posted, "Issue 5 of Ultimates is out today! First appearance of our Hawkeye, we worked hard to make them cool, different, and yet undeniably "Hawkeye". It was noted in[...]
Marvel January 2025 Ultimate Solicits Include Guardians Of The Galaxy
Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool teased that Marvel Comics would be introducing an Ultimate Guardians Of The Galaxy to the Ultimates comic Now it's all gone official, as well as the rest of Marvel Comics; January 2025 solicits and solicitations for the Ultimate line, as it enters its second year. "The cover reveals and synopses for[...]
Marvel To Introduce An Ultimate Guardians Of The Galaxy In 2025
Bleeding Cool has the solicitation copy for Ultimates #8 for January 2025 by Deniz Camp and Juan Frigeri, though no sign of the Dike Ruan cover yet And it reads, "THE ULTIMATE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! America Chavez takes center stage in this issue as a group of galactic travelers from a far-flung, Maker-free future[...]
Auto Draft
Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto's chart-topping series Ultimate Spider-Man sees its eighth issue out this week from Marvel Comics Previously we had seen how the young Iron Man had allowed Peter Parker and Harry Osborn to choose personalities for the AI in their suits, with Peter Parker's suit rather resembling the Venom symbiote But with[...]
Marvel To Launch a New Ultimate Monthly and Ultimate One Year Later
Marvel Comics' plans for Ultimate Marvel at San Diego Comic-Con topped traffic on Bleeding Cool yesterday Where you can always read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies, and more The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and possibly the day ahead You can sign up to[...]
Marvel Spoilers
Ultimate X-Men Spoilers ahead! It was something notable that in the original Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter Parker didn't wear the suit, or even say the name Spider-Man until the end of the first arc from Brian Bendis and Mike Bagley John Byrne was furious about this at the time But it seemed to work And it[...]
Ultimate Hawkeye to be Native American... and is Cyclops A Young Girl?
Marvel Comics has released their Ultimate Comics solicits and solicitations for October 2024, including Ultimate Hawkeye, introduced as a Native American character, Black Panther dealing with anti-vibranium, Uncle Ben and JJJ fighting crime together and the Shadow King seeing a new X-Men form in opposition to him… is that a very different young female Cyclops[...]
The Opposite Of Vibranium in Ultimate Black Panther
Ultimate Black Panther #5 spoilers! Thanks to the Black Panther movies, everyone knows about Vibranium now Even my mum A fictitious metal native to Wakanda that can absorb and transform kinetic material, making it indestructible but also useful for all manner of technologies and fuelling the Wakandan technological boom. But in Ultimate Black Panther #6, Bryan[...]