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What Has ComicsPro Ever Done For Us?

At last week's ComicsPro meeting, they gave attendees a list of issues they had been advocating for with publishers and distributors.

ComicsPro states that it is a "not for profit trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers" and that it will "abide by and follow both the letter and the spirit of all U.S. and International Antitrust and Competition laws. ComicsPRO does not advocate or sanction any agreement or understanding with respect to group or collective purchasing, pricing, or refusals to deal with any supplier, vendor, retail chain participant, customer or groups of customers." This is a very important position for ComicsPro to take considering the same anti-cartel laws in the US introduced by Reagan that also stopped freelancers organising as a union.

What Has ComicsPro Ever Done For Us?
Life Of Brian screencap

So what do they advocate for? Well, at last week's ComicsPro Summit meeting in Pittsburgh they gave attendees a list of issues they had been advocating for with publishers and distributors. A number of which, by the end of the show, were already out of date.

  • Terms of sale and shipping costs with Diamond Comics
  • ComicSuite meeting with retailers to plan its future
  • Universal regarding: CSV invoicing
  • Out-of-print graphic novels from DC and Marvel
  • Foil variant pricing with Marvel
  • Image's switch to Tuesday on-sale
  • Ongoing conversations with DC about Tuesday on-sale
  • PRH on ordering and billing functionality
  • Holiday shipping and FOC schedules

Well, before ComicsPro had started, Diamond already committed to flat-fee shipping. DC Comics announced it was moving to Wednesday on-sale date. And with that, Bleeding Cool understands that Image Comics has abandoned plans to join DC Comics, and confirms it will be sticking to Wednesdays as well. I understand that all these were as a direct result of lobbying by ComicsPro. Bleeding Cool covered the ComicsPro Summit as in-depth as possible, given I was stuck in London, but still more than any other site, and I hope next year to do so in person. Fingers crossed. You can catch up here:

Retailers, distributors, and publishers can sign up to ComicsPro here. 

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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