Darkrai VSTAR gets an otherworldly Special Art Rare in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe, set to be adapted into the English set Crown Zenith.
Pokémon TCG Archives
The champion Cynthia's Special Art Rare from Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith, set the be released in late January 2023, has been revealed.
Pokémon Trading Card Game Artist Spotlight: Oswaldo KATO first arrived in Sword & Shield - Chilling Reign and has become a TCG staple.
Mitsuhiro Arita, artist of the Base Set Charizard, illustrates a stunning Lugia V in Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest.
Witness the glory of all four Gold Alternate Art Pokémon cards from Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe with connecting art by AKIRA EGAWA.
Party Hat Nidorino Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Take on this event-themed Pokémon during the New Year’s 2023 event in Tier Three raids.
Professor Turo gets his first Pokémon TCG appearance in & Violet ex, set to be adapted into the English-language Scarlet & Violet base.
Zeraora fans are eating well as Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith, coming in January 2023, will feature two Zeraora Special Art Rare chase cards.
Regidrago, the Dragon-type addition to the Legendary Titans, gets its first Ultra Rare in Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest.
International collectors can receive the English-language Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest promo cards by entering here before it's too late.
Origin Forme Palkia completes the set of four connecting Gold Secret Rare Alternate Art VSTARs in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe.
Gardevoir ex may be the closest thing we have seen to a chase card emerge from our Pokémon TCG Japan: Scarlet & Violet ex previews.
Pokémon TCG Hopes for 2023: Scarlet & Violet Begins! Will Rainbow Rares end? Will sets become smaller? Let's take a look at what's to come.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest features the Dratini line which culminates in the powerful pseudo-Legendary Dragonite.
Magearna V got its first Ultra Rare since the underrated XY - Steam Siege expansion in Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest.
Dialga VSTAR Gold connects to these Arceus, Giratina, and Origin Forme Palkia cards in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe.
Pokémon TCG Japan: Scarlet & Violet ex will include the Magnemite line, culminating in an Ultra Rare, sparkling Magnezone ex.
Giratina VSTAR gets a Gold Secret Rare in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe and likely the English-language version of the set, Crown Zenith.
Pokémon TCG Japan: Scarlet & Violet ex will include Great Tusk ex featuring an ancient counterpart of Donphan from the Paldea region.
Could it be the best Radiant Pokémon card that the Pokémon TCG has released... or will ever release? It's Silver Tempest's Radiant Jirachi!
The Paradox Pokémon Iron Treads, a futuristic relative of Donphan, makes its debut in Pokémon TCG's upcoming Scarlet & Violet era.
Pokémon TCG artist AKIRA EGAWA delivers a stunning set of connecting Gold Alternate Art cards in VSTAR Universe centered around Arceus.
Pokémon TCG End-of-Year List: Best Card of 2022! Will it be the Giratina Alt from Lost Origin or the Charizard Alt Art from Brilliant Stars?
The Beldum line gets illustrations from a murderer's row of artists in Pokémon TCG: Silver Tempest including sowsow, Ryuta Fuse, & more.
Pokémon TCG Japan reveals Scarlet & Violet-themed merch drop in January 2023 including card sleeves & more featuring new Paldean species.
Arven, a new Trainer from Paldea, will appear in Pokémon TCG Japan's Violet ex set at the start of the Scarlet & Violet era in 2023.
The underrated Galarian species Thievul gets an Art Rare in Pokémon TCG: Crown Zenith, based on Japan's high-class VSTAR Universe set.
Pokémon TCG 2022 End-of-Year List: Best Products of 2022! Will it be the Radiant Eevee Premium Collection or Charizard UPC?
Pokémon TCG 2022 End-of-Year List: What was the best set of 2022? Could it be the special Pokémon GO set or perhaps Silver Tempest?
Pokémon TCG 2022 End-of-Year List: Top Promo Cards of 2022! Will Charizard Special Art Rares make the list or will Eeveelutions dominate?