Black Desert has a brand new update out in the world, as the Atoraxxion: Orzekea update adds a new biome and more for upcoming content
Black Desert Online Archives
Black Desert Online is a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) developed by Pearl Abyss and published on PC in 2015. The game was later brought to the Xbox One in 2019. Black Desert differs from many other MMORPGs in that the combat of Black Desert is action-based and requires manual aiming like a third-person shooter. Skills can be activated through use of combos, dodging, and blocking. The game also offers housing, fishing, farming, and trading systems as well as large PvP modes like siege and castle battles. There is a mobile spin-off of Black Desert Online currently in development.
For those of you who want a bigger challenge in Black Desert Online, do we have good new for you, as they've launche a Hardcore Server
Pearl Abyss revealed new details about what's coming next month to Black Desert, as the game has new content and updates on the way
Black Desert has a new update out that gives players some Valentine's Day events, as well as a new dragon mount to fly around the world
Two new additions have been released for Black Desert as a new Snowfall Crasher event is underway with Dream Horse Voltarion
Pearl Abyss confirmed that the console version of Black Desert will be getting native versions for both PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
Pearl Abyss has a new update out for Black Desert on both PC and consoles, as you can now dive into a new set of Halloween events
Pearl Abyss is set to launch the Dosa Awakening in Black Desert Online this week, as players will get an interesting set of options
Pearl Abyss has launched a new update for the console version of Black Desert, as players can now fight with the new Dosa class
Black Desert has officially launched its latest expansion, as players now have access to Land of the Morning Light: Seoul
Black Desert has just added new crossover event to run for the next few weeks, as anime fans will enjoy seeing Berserk in the game
Black Desert Online has a brand new massive tournament on the way this month with the PvP 100: The Ultimate PvP Challenge
Pearl Abyss has launched a brand new 300 vs 300 mode in Black Desert Online, as you can now fight in the War of the Roses.
After being revealed fduring the Heidel Ball a couple weeks ago, Pearl Abyss has officially launched the Dosa class for Black Desert Online.
Pearl Abyss brough us out to Beynac-et-Cazenac in France for the Heidel Ball 2024, revealing tons of new content for Black Desert.
Pearl Abyss have revealed the latest event for Black Desert in the real world, as the Heidel Ball will take place this Saturday in France.
Pearl Abyss has launched a new update for Black Desert Online that changed how large-scale PvP Battles work with Node Wars.
Pearl Abyss dropped a new update for Black Desert Online this morning, giving the gear ehanncement system an improvement.
Pearl Abyss has added something special to both the PC and console versions of Black Deset, as J's Hammer Of Precision arrives.
The PC version of Black Desert Online has revealed plans to celebrate the game's 8th Anniversary, including an improved Scholar class.
Pearl Abyss has a massive event on the way for Black Desert Online, as their new War Of The Roses will be an incredible player battle.
Black Desert Console owners have a new event to kick off the new year, as you get to choose one of the three dream horses for your account.
Pearl Abyss have released a few new videos for Black Desert this week, going over the new Scholar class and plans for the coming year.
Black Desert will be getting a series of events over the Thanksgiving weekend to prepare you for a new update happening on November 29.
Pearl Abyss have revealed new details for the 2023 Calpheon Ball, as the annual Black Desert event will take place in South Korea.
The spooky season has arrived in Black Desert as Pearl Abyss have launched the same content on PC, mobile, and consoles today.
Pearl Abyss has a new update for the console version of Black Desert, introducing three new mythical horses and Maegu's awakening.
A new area has been revealed for Black Desert Online as Pearl Abyss showed off the new Ulukita territory in their latest video.
Those of you playing Black Desert on both console and mobile now have a fresh update to dive into with different content for each.
Console players can finally experience the latest Black Desert content, as Land Of The Morning Light has appeared in Xbox and PlayStation.