Evercade Archives

Evercade Has Announced The Tomb Raider Collection 2
Evercade revealed this week they've once again teamed up with Crystal Dynamics to release a second Tomb Raider collection for their retro console system The aptly named Tomb Raider Collection 2 contains two specific titles, as you're getting Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation and Tomb Raider: Chronicles, as well as The Times Bonus Level that[...]
Evercade Announces Atari Arcade 2 Cartridge On The Way
Evercade has partnered with Atari once again to bring about a new collection of games to their retro console system, as Atari Arcade 2 has been announced Ten new titles taken from their arcade versions will be put into a new cartridge, bringing you back to 80s gaming in a new way Pre-orders for this[...]
Evercade Announces Broken Sword & Indie Heroes 4 Collections
Evercade has revealed two new retro game and indie game collections coming to their systems, as they revealed both a Broken Sword and Indie Heroes 4 collections The first of the two comes with two of the iconic games from the franchise, while the second is loaded with more indie titles that focus on a[...]
Evercade & SNK Will Partner For Several NeoGeo Products
Blaze Entertainment, the Evercade partner company, revealed a new partnership with SNK to make several new items tied to NeoGeo The two have partnered in the past on SNK titles for their retro console title, but now this new deal will have them working to release a new series of items tied to the '90s[...]
Evercade Announces Toaplan Arcade 4 Collection
Evercade has revealed the next retro games collection coming to their platform, as players will soon be able to get the Toaplan Arcade 4 Collection As it has been in the past with the previous three cartridge collections they put out, this one adds six more all-action arcade titles from Japanese developer Toaplan Some of[...]
Evercade Unveils Legacy Of Kain & Bitmap Brothers Collection 2
Evercade revealed two new collections this week coming to their cartridge-based system, as we're getting The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 and The Legacy Of Kain Collection 1 The first comes with six new games for you to check out from their history, including the first time in years we've seen Z available to the public[...]
Evercade Reveals Two New Compilations From Data East & Toaplan
Evercade has revealed two new complications on the way as they have a new set of games from both Data East and Toaplan The two titles are Toaplan Arcade 3, which will come with seven titles from their library, and Data East Arcade 2, which will come with twelve titles from their collection We have[...]
Evercade-Compatible Bartop Arcade Machine Revealed
Evercade has revealed a new bartop arcade system that will be coming to a pub near you, as Evercade Alpha has two titles on the way Both of these machines are designed to play like machines you've seen in the past, where they take up a small amount of space and serve as entertainment between[...]
Evercade Announces Thalamus Collection 1 Coming This Summer
Evercade revealed a new PC gaming collection on the way this Summer, as they will release the Thalamus Collection 1 sometime this July This is a brand new tome of games from the C64 era of PC gaming will bring you 11 titles from the past, some of them the originals and other remastered or[...]
Evercade announced today they have partnered with Crystal Dynamics to bring the original Tomb Raider games over to their consoles This is basically a direct port onto a cartridge for their specific line of items, as you'll be able to play the first three games in the series in one solid collection What's more, the[...]
Sunsoft Collection 2
Among some of the announcements Evercade made for the Spring, we're getting a second Sunsoft title with Sunsoft Collection 2 It is not as beefy as some of the other collections but still contains some gems This one will give you seven classic titles from the Sunsoft library, including Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel and Galaxy[...]
Evercade Announces Piko Interactive Collection 4 Cartridge
Evercade revealed that they have another set of Piko games coming to their retro gaming cartridge library, as Piko Interactive Collection 4 is on the way Like previous collections, this will have ten games from the company's history, ready to play as if they were out on day 1 We have the complete list of[...]
Evercade Announces Indie Heroes Collection 3
Evercade revealed a new collection of modern indie games coming to their system as Indie Heroes Collection 3 is currently up for pre-order The collection will come with 13 games of recently released indie titles, available for the first time on the cartridge-based system The collection is up for pre-order right now, as it will[...]
Evercade Announces New Cartridge With The C64 Collection 3
Evercade has revealed the latest collection of retro games coming to their systems as they revealed The C64 Collection 3 This all-new collection brings 13 games from the Commodore 64 era, cleans them up a little, and makes them playable on a modern cartridge-based console for you to play whenever you feel like We have[...]
Evercade Showcase Vol. 2 Reveals Four New Collections
Evercade decided to hold another showcase livestream for their upcoming products this morning, in which they revealed four new titles Unlike previous collections, a good chunk of what's here is U.K based, as previous collections have been on more of a global scale So if were a gamer in the '80s and '90s in London,[...]
Evercade Reveals Multiple Collections Along With Duke Nukem Console
Evercade held their first showcase livestream today in which they revealed multiple retro game collections on the way, and a special Duke Nukem collaboration The team revealed we would see content on the way from Sunsoft, PIKO, and Delphine, as well as The Sydney Hunter Collection What's more, several Duke Nukem games will be getting[...]
Team17 Announces They Will Bring Amiga Titles To Evercade
Evercade has revealed they formed a new partnership with Team17 as they will be bringing Amiga titles over to the retro console in a new collection The two companies will work together for a series of cartridge releases, with he first one aptly titled Team17 Collection 1 The first one will contain ten games, many[...]
Evercade Announces THEC64 & Toaplan Collections For 2023
Evercade revealed two new collections on the way for 2023, as they are planning to release sets for both Toaplan and THEC64 Technically, both of these brands have already had Evercade releases, so both of these are essentially Part 2 to those collections with even more titles that are either exclusive or best recognized for[...]
Evercade Announces New Endeavors Coming In 2023
Evercade took some time today to chat with their loyal fans about some of the new stuff they have coming to their brand in 2023 The company sent out a letter from the Managing Director, Andrew Byatt, as he reflected on what happened in 2022 and what they intend to do in the coming year[...]
Evercade's Indie Heroes Collection 2 Will Launch In January
Evercade announced their next indie cartridge release, Indie Heroes Collection 2, will officially launch onto their system in January Following up on their one indie game a month system, this will bring you a year's worth of indie titles into a singular collection for you to enjoy You can pre-order it starting on November 4th[...]
Capcom Adds 18 Built-In Games To Evercade EXP
Evercade announced this morning they have partnered with Capcom to bring multiple games to their Evercade EXP console The company will be giving them 18 built-in titles ranging from arcade classics to home console favorites, some of which you'll be able to play in TATE mode as if you were back in the arcade on[...]
Evercade Announces The C64 Collection 1 Arriving This October
Evercade revealed a brand new retro games collection coming this fall as they will be releasing The C64 Collection 1 As you might suspect from the title, you'll be getting a series of games that ran on the Commodore 64, the majority of them being from the '80s when it was one of the few[...]
Evercade Announces Alwa's Awakening & Cathedral Dual Cartridge
Evercade has revealed a brand new dual game cartridge as they will be releasing Alwa's Awakening and Cathedral as a single title The big thing that makes this release stand out, aside from the fact that they're doing a release on a cartridge, is that you're getting two relatively newer games on the console as[...]
Evercade Announces New Mobile Version: Evercade EXP
Evercade revealed a brand new product this week as they are taking their retro console on the go with the portable Evercade EXP The console will utilize all of the cartridges that have been released by the company so far, giving you the ability to play multiple titles from dozens of classic gaming companies that[...]
Evercade Announces Two New Arcade Collections For Jaleco & Gaelco
Evercade has revealed two new retro game collections on the way as they will release sets for both Jaleco and Gaelco titles The two collections, which you see below, will be released for the console this July, each one with its own set of classics Jaleco Arcade 1 will feature eight arcade titles from the[...]
Evercade Launches "Game Of The Month" For Evercade VS
Evercade has launched a new feature into their Evercade VS online system as you're now getting a Game Of The Month to try out something new This is a chance for you and a friend to play something new every month from an indie developer, as you will get one new title delivered monthly starting[...]
Evercade Announced Morphcat Games Collection One
Blaze Entertainment has announced a new collection of games is coming to Evercade with Morphcat Games Collection One Unlike most of the previous collection of titles, which revolve around retro games companies who had arcade and home console hits in the '80s and '90s, you're getting a modern-day company creating classic-looking titles that feel like[...]
Evercade Announces Gremlin Collection One Cartridge
Blaze Entertainment revealed a brand new retro games collection is on the way as they're making Evercade: Gremlin Collection One The company ran from 1984 until 2000 and produced some interesting titles from the early days of gaming, getting most of their highlights from the late '80s and early to mid-'90s Especially with racing and[...]
Evercade Announces Renovation Collection One For 2022
Evercade announced their latest retro games collection, set to be released in 2022, as we're getting the Renovation Collection One The collection comes from a collaboration between Blaze Entertainment and Edia Co Ltd, as the collection will come with twelve 16-bit retro games, originally released by the publisher Telenet Japan and Renovation in the United[...]
Evercade Reveals Arcade Collections For Handheld & VS Systems
Blaze Entertainment revealed this morning they are releasing a new set of arcade title collections for Evercade handheld and VS systems All four of them will be made available for purchase individually later this year, and will come with support for save states just like their current existing collections do The four sets will be[...]