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Absolute DC Comics & DC All-In in the Daily LITG, 26th September 2024

Absolute DC Comics was the most-read article on Bleeding Cool yesterday. Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround.

Article Summary

  • Absolute DC Comics grabs the spotlight as Bleeding Cool's top story.
  • Exclusive first look at Absolute Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman in DC All In.
  • Skottie Young's stunning covers for Absolute Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman revealed.
  • Bleeding Cool's cherished Lying In The Gutters showcases the biggest stories and archives.

Absolute DC Comics was the most-read article on Bleeding Cool yesterday. Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years. Founded fifteen years ago and steeped in a history of comic book industry gossip a further fifteen years before that, Bleeding Cool has become one of the longest-standing and most well-known pop culture websites around. The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and possibly the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. And maybe you just have.

Absolute DC Comics & DC All-In in the Daily LITG, 26th September 2024
Absolute Batman by Wes Craig

Absolute DC Comics & DC All-In and the most-read stories yesterday

  1. First Look At Absolute Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman in DC All In
  2. Superman & Lois Series Finale Will Feature Man of Steel Series First?
  3. Skottie Young's Covers For Absolute Batman, Superman And Wonder Woman
  4. DC Comics Teases A New Authority (Spoilers)
  5. Supernatural/The Boys: Jensen Ackles Set for Geeks & Nerds for Harris
  6. The Beast's Plan To Stop Himself Becoming A Mad Scientist (XSpoilers)
  7. Ultimate Spider-Man #9 Vs Amazing Spider-Man #58 Tomorrow (Spoilers)
  8. Chris Condon & Alessandro Cappuccio Join Marvel's Ultimate Universe
  9. How Today's Titans #15 Changes Raven Going Forward (Spoilers)
  10. Who Gets What Super Power After Absolute Power? (DC Comics Spoilers)

And a few other comic book stories you might enjoy.

LITG one year ago, NERF x Magic: The Gathering

Cast Lightning with the New NERF x Magic: The Gathering Blaster 
NERF x Magic: The Gathering Blaster, Credit: Hasbro
  1. Cast Lightning with the New NERF x Magic: The Gathering Blaster
  2. Bethesda Softworks Makes Two Reveals During 2023 Tokyo Game Show 
  3. There Is Very Little To Spoil About Transformers #1 from Image Comics
  4. The Adventures of Heterosexual Superboy Continue in DC's Speed Force 
  5. The Events Of Wonder Woman Definitely Happening In The DC Universe
  6. Rick and Morty Season 7: What We Know (And What We Think We Know)
  7. G.O.D.S. Isn't Sandman Or Saga, It's Books Of Magic Meets New Gods
  8. Hasbro Debuts a New Series of Transformers with the Armorizers
  9. Tommy Oliver's Legacy Lives On with the Power Rangers Master Morpher 
  10. Transformers: Beast Wars Tigerhawk Unleashes His Fury with Hasbro
  11. Villains of Gotham Have Their Say Over Gotham War (Red Hood Spoilers)
  12. Dracula – James Tynion IV's Take on The Original Batman
  13. Remember, Remember The 4th Of October – A Big Week For Comic Shops
  14. Samson Destroys the Mask of Fire on Fantastic Comics #8, at Auction
  15. Power Girl's Punching Powers Get More Like America Chavez (Spoilers)
  16. When Norah Stone Of Blue Earth Meets Superman (Spoilers)
  17. The Holyoke Era of Blue Beetle Begins with Blue Beetle #12, at Auction
  18. Cradle Of Filth in Opus Comics December 2023 Solicits
  19. Future Of Conner Kent, Superboy in the Daily LITG, 25th September 2023

LITG two years ago, Neil Gaiman Appreciation

Neil Gaiman Appreciation in The Daily LITG, 26th September 2022

  1. Gaiman "Appreciates" Your Lord of the Rings: TROP Season 2 Notes
  2. Final Space Creator Olan Rogers Shares Some Heartbreaking News
  3. Harley Quinn Animated Series: Legion Of Bats Opening Will Be Legendary
  4. From John Byrne's 1978 Uncanny X-Men to 1995's Speculator Burn Out
  5. XXXX-Terminators in The Daily LITG 22nd September 2022
  6. Quantum Leap EP: Revival Will Address Original Series Season 3 Leap
  7. Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Classics 6" Figures Revealed by Hasbro
  8. Pokémon TCG: Fossil Zapdos Card On Auction At Heritage Auctions
  9. Asking Todd McFarlane If He Will Ever Do Spawn/Spider-Man?
  10. Justice League vs The Legion of Super-Heroes #6 Preview: Batman Down
  11. Stuff Of Nightmares #1 Sells Out Of Nearly 60,000 Copies
  12. AXE Judgment Day Tops Bleeding Cool Bestseller List
  13. When The Kindly Ones Came To Sandman
  14. Rory Lucey's SCRAM: Society of Creatures Real & Magical Graphic Novel
  15. Justin Murphy's War Party #1 in Rampart's Solicits in December 2022
  16. Still All About X-Terminators in The Daily LITG, 25th September 2022

LITG three years ago, Todd McFarlane Does Three Jokers

McFarlane Toys Pre-orders Land with Red Hood, Batgirl, and Batman

  1. McFarlane Toys Pre-orders Land with Red Hood, Batgirl, and Batman
  2. Night Court: Melissa Rauch, John Larroquette Pilot Gets Series Order
  3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Olson's Post A Danger to Our Desks?
  4. Kieron Gillen Returns to X-Men Comics in 2022?
  5. Marvel Responds to Avengers, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man Copyright Filings
  6. A Rogue-Less X-Men: Inferno From Jonathan Hickman?
  7. Deathstroke Inc #1 Preview: Take That, Bloodsport!
  8. Today, Marvel Has Cancelled Guardians Of The Galaxy
  9. Justice League #68 Preview: Superheroes Talking Out Their Problems
  10. Sensor is Junji Ito's Most Ambitious Cosmic Horror Tale Yet
  11. Alan Moore and David Lloyd's V For Vendetta #1 CGC 9.8 At Auction
  12. An Affordable Copy of First Ace the Bat-Hound in Batman #92 at Auction
  13. Refrigerator Full Of Headless in Thank FOC It's Saturday
  14. Gunslinger Spawn #1 Utterly Dominated Advance Reorders
  15. How And Why James Tynion IV Co-Created Punchline For Batman Comics
  16. Now Bad Idea Comics Bans Readers Over Counterfeit Bad Idea Pins
  17. Spider-Man & Doctor Strange Are Up- Daily LITG, 25th September 2021

LITG four years ago, Gerry Conway and Pokémon GO – the ten most-read stories yesterday…

Gerry Conway and Pokémon GO Still Top The Daily LITG 26th September 2020
LITG Image from Etsy.

  1. Punisher Creator Gerry Conway "Cancel Every Existing Superhero Comic"
  2. The Rarest Pokémon In Pokémon GO & Where to Find Them
  3. Dungeons & Dragons Drizzt and Guenhwyver Figures Revealed by Hasbro
  4. That Three Jokers Book 2 "Moment" Leaks on Reddit (Spoilers Update)
  5. Absol, Mawile, & Unown Coming To Pokémon GO… In Only One Country
  6. Rick and Morty: Dan Harmon Weighs In on Voice Cast Whitewashing
  7. "Porygon Did Nothing Wrong" Says Official Pokémon Twitter
  8. Rush Limbaugh's Medal of Honor Makes Dave Bautista Want to Puke
  9. Star Wars Black Series Holiday Troopers Coming This Fall
  10. Supernatural Season 15 Teaser: Sam and Dean vs God, For Everything
  11. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw's Crossover – Legal Challenge By DC Comics?
  12. The Underground Beacon Comic Shop In New York Has Closed
  13. DC Doesn't Want MAD Magazine Film/TV Parodies Now? That's Claptrap!
  14. Dinesh Shamdasani's Original Comics Artwork Collection – On The Floor
  15. That Three Jokers Book 2 "Moment" Leaks on Reddit (Spoilers Update)

LITG five years ago, Guardians Of The Galaxy was being relaunched.

  1. Guardians Of The Galaxy to be Relaunched by Marvel in 2020
  2. Jonathan Hickman Defends Jean Grey's Costume in Coded Message
  3. "Rick and Morty" Animation Prod J. Michael Mendel Passes Away, Age 54
  4. The Titles of the Final Issues Of HOXPOX, and Cosmic Universal Truths Revealed, in Powers Of X #5 (Spoilers)
  5. Today, Wolverine's Daughter Rien Becomes Part of 616 Continuity (Marvel Comics Presents #9 Spoilers)
  6. Harley Quinn's Name Revealed as an Exercise in Slut-Shaming (Harleen #1 Spoilers)
  7. First Preview of Marvel's "Incoming" – The Masked Raider Returns, and We Get to See the Murdered Body.
  8. "Rick and Morty" Season 4 Brings Shrimp Rick & Shrimp Morty? [Spoilers]
  9. Steve Rogers Vs Toxic Masculinity in Today's Captain America #14 (Spoilers)
  10. "Crisis" Management – "Smallville" Star Michael Rosenbaum Passes
  11. Kindred Knows Who's Name Peter Parker Cries at Night – Amazing Spider-Man #30 Spoilers
  12. "Fullmetal Alchemist" Two-Pack Coming Soon From Threezero
  13. Zoe Quinn Creates a New Character for Marvel Comics (Fearless #3 Spoilers)
  14. Can Superheroes Stop Building Dungeons Underneath The Hall Of Justice? (Justice League Dark+Batman/Superman Spoilers)
  15. Kitty Pryde – the New Red Queen of The Hellfire Club?
  16. Marvel and DC Now Have New Collective Nouns for Vampires – and Bats
  17. Asterix on the New Two-Euro Coin
  18. George Lucas Felt Betrayed by Disney's Direction on "Star Wars"
  19. Captain America Heading For a New #1 in 2020
  20. Why So Furious With the Dawn Of X Schedules?

LITG six years ago, it was back to the Batpenis

There was only one story. For days.

  1. Tomorrow, DC Comics Publish Another Batman Comic With a Penis In It
  2. Grant Morrison Reimagines Green Lantern as a Dude Who Crashes on Your Couch (Preview)
  3. Always Sunny s13e04 Preview: 'Times Up' for Paddy's; Dee's "FYC" Video
  4. Marvel Recycles 40-Year-Old Dave Cockrum Art for Uncanny X-Men #1 Variant
  5. Kavanaugh Alleged Sexual Assault Witness Reading Superman Comics in Delaware Hideout

Comic Book birthdays today.

Comics folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date.

  • Legendary comics writer and co-creator of Power Pack, Apocalypse, Cable, Doomsday and SteelLouise Simonson.
  • Andi Ewington, creator of the comic book Forty-Five, Over-Run, Freeway Fighters and more.
  • Mike Mayhew, artist on Mystique, Vampirella, The Pulse, Zorro, She-Hulk and The Star Wars.
  • Thorny Silas artist on Batman Beyond 2.0, Venom, Royals and Hunt For Wolverine.
  • Gabriel Morrissette, artist on Spider-Man 2099, Checkmate, co-creator of Northguard.
  • Travis Seitler, comic book letterer.

If you are in comics and have a birthday coming up – or you know someone who has – get in touch at

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Absolute DC Comics, DC All-In, Absolute DC Comics, DC All-In, Absolute DC Comics, DC All-In, Absolute DC Comics, DC All-In,

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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