Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Agent, Azantian Literary, bent agency, britt seiss, clare draper, graphic novel, Jennifer Azantian, transatlantic
The Bleeding Cool List Of Agents Selling Graphic Novels To Publishers
So this is what I have been doing, on and off, for the last two weeks. You're welcome. A compilation of every announced graphic novel from a major publisher over the last year-and-a-half, arranged by which agent negotiated the deal – if they did. The bookstore graphic novel market has been booming, and so many deals for 2022, 2023, and 2024 are being done through the lockdown and pandemic. Speaking with many major comic book creators wondering about projects out there, I discovered that most haven't even considered an agent and just try and use their own personal contacts and knowledge which they often find lacking. Here's an attempt to highlight the people working on comic book creators' behalf in what is an expanding graphic novel bookstore market. If you have any more sales to add in a similar format, mail them to and I will update this list. But for now, it's a start. And we can especially admire the work of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, New Leaf Literary & Media, Transatlantic Agency, Maria Vicente at P.S. Literary Agency, Charlie Olsen, and Jessica Mileo at Inkwell Management, Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management, and Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency. If you are a comic book creator they should all be on your list.
Adams Literary
- Tom Taylor, Jon Sommariva, Michele Assarasakorn, Wolfgang Bylsma's young adult graphic novel series Neverlanders won at auction by Chris Hernandez at Penguin Random House imprint, Razorbill, French rights by Olivier Jalabert at Glenat, agent was Josh Adams at Adams Literary.
- Rodeo Hawkins & the Daughters of Mayhem, and its sequel, Rodeo Hawkins & the Sons of Disaster, are two new graphic novels to be written by John Claude Bemis and illustrated by Nicole Miles, bought by Margaret Ferguson at Holiday House. Josh Adams at Adams Literary represented John Claude Bemis.
Amy Rennert Agency
- Stick & Stone: Friends Forever, early reader graphic novel series, by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld published by Kate O'Sullivan at HMH, Tom Lichtenheld's agent was Amy Rennert at the Amy Rennert Agency.
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
- Ashlyn Anstee, early reader Shelby & Watts: Tidepool Troubles, published by Maggie Rosenthal at Viking, agent was Kelly Sonnack at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency
- Fast Break, middle-grade graphic novel by Shawn Pryor and Courtney Hahn, published by Melissa Warten at FSG, agent was Kelly Sonnack at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
- Jarad Greene middle-grade graphic novel, A-Okay bought at auction by Andrew Arnold HarperAlley, agent was Kelly Sonnack at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
- Renée Kurilla, young-reader graphic novel The Flower Garden, published by Courtney Code, at Abrams, agent was Jennifer Rofé at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
- Maggie Edkins Willis sold two middle-grade graphic novels at auction to Megan Abbate at Roaring Brook, agent was Jennifer Rofé at the Andrea Brown Literary.
- Mel Valentine Vargas' graphic novel adaptation of YA novel Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina, published by Kate Fletcher of Candlewick Press, agent was Jennifer Rofé at the Andrea Brown Literary
- The Worst Ronin, YA graphic novel by Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Faith Schaffer to be published by Lily Kessinger at HMH/Etch. Maggie Tokuda-Hall's agent was Jennifer Laughran at Andrea Brown Literary.
- Unhappy Camper, new middle-grade graphic novel by Lily LaMotte and Ann Xu, published by Clarissa Wong at HarperCollins. Laura Rennert at Andrea Brown Literary represented Lily LaMotte.
- The Story Spinners: Princess Sparklepuff and Her Crew of Lady Pirates is the debut middle-grade graphic novel by Cassandra Federman published by Alyson Heller at Aladdin, agent was Jennifer March Soloway at Andrea Brown Literary.
Ayesha Pande Literary
- Paradise Villas, YA graphic novel by painter Salman Toor and co-writer Alexandra Atiya. Published by Arthur Levine at Levine Querido, agent was Anjali Singh at Ayesha Pande Literary.
- The Secret Garden on 81st Street, a middle-grade graphic novel modern retelling of The Secret Garden by Ivy Noelle Weir and Amber Padilla, published by Rachel Poloski at Little, Brown, represented by agent Anjali Singh at Ayesha Pande Literary
- Fouad Mezher debut YA graphic novel, Suraya, auctioned to Dana Chidiac at Dial, agent was Anjali Singh at Ayesha Pande Literary.
- Samuel Sattin and Christina "Steenz" Stewart's Side Quest: A Visual History Of Role Playing Games, being published by Imprint/Macmillan. Steenz represented by Anjali Singh at Ayesha Pande Literary.
Azantian Literary
- Tasha Mukanik middle-grade graphic novel Lost Time, published by Chris Hernandez at Penguin Young Readers Group imprint, Razorbill, agent was Jennifer Azantian at Azantian Literary.
- Wes Molebash four-book middle-grade graphic novel series, Travis Daventhorpe for the Win, bought at auction by Robyn Chapman at First Second, agent was Jennifer Azantian at Azantian Literary.
- Pina Varnel's graphic novel ADHD Alien published by Dial, agent was Jennifer Azantian at Azantian Literary
- Joshua Ulrich's graphic novel The Terrifying Tales of Vivian Vance, bought by Ruta Rimas at Razorbill, agent was Jennifer Azantian at Azantian Literary.
The Bent Agency
- Anna Kopp's graphic novel The Marble Queen, drawn by Gabrielle Kari, published by Brett Israel at Dark Horse, agent was Claire Draper at the Bent Agency.
- Monster Crush debut graphic novel by Oli Franey, published by Brett Israel at Dark Horse Comics, agent was Claire Draper at the Bent Agency.
- Samantha Benc's Last Ship To Mars, auctioned to Mark Podesta at Henry Holt, agent was Claire Draper at the Bent Agency.
- Another Kind by Cait May and Trevor Bream, Another Kind, a YA graphic novel and sequel published by Rose Pleuler at HarperAlley, agent was Claire Draper at the Bent Agency.
- Candy Robertson and James Robertson's four early reader graphic novel series Archie And Reddie. Chris Hernandez at Razorbill, agent was Gemma Cooper at the Bent Agency.
- Nature's Design Challenge by Rebecca Donnelly and Misa Saburi, middle-grade graphic nonfiction series bought as a three-book series by Julia Sooy at Henry Holt/Godwin, Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent Agency represented Rebecca Donnelly.
- Twelfth Grade Night and King Cheer, the first two Shakespeare-based YA graphic novels in the Arden High series by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm and Jamie Green, published by Kieran Viola and Rachel Stark at Disney-Hyperion. Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent Agency represented Stephanie Kate Strohm.
- Kenzie's Kingdom, written by Shea Fontana, drawn by Agnes Garbowska, and coloured by Silvana Brys, published by Rebecca Taylor, Managing Editor at Vault Comics for middle-grade/YA graphic novel imprint Wonderbound, agent was Claire Draper at the Bent Agency.
- Jeremy Whitley and Bre Indigo's middle-grade graphic novel The Dog Knight, published by Holly West at Feiwel and Friends, agent was Moe Ferrara at Bookends.
- Blood City Rollers is the debut graphic novel from writer/artist team Veronica Park Anderson and Tatiana Hill, published by Liesa Abrams at Labyrinth Road. Moe Ferrara at Bookends Literary represented Tatiana Hill.
Bradford Literary
- Saving Sunshine new middle grade graphic novel by Saadia Faruqi and Shazleen Khan. published by Calista Brill and Samia Fakih at First Second, Saadia Faruqi's agent was Kari Sutherland at Bradford Literary.
Bright Agency
- Shakti, debut middle-grade graphic novel by SJ Sindu, and Nabi H. Ali, published by Clarissa Wong at HarperAlley. Nabi H. Ali's agent was James Burns at the Bright Agency.
- Josh Crute and James Rey Sanchez' new early reader graphic novel series Super Serious Mysteries, the first book The Untimely Passing of Nicholas Fart: A Who-Dealt-It Mystery to be published by Luana Kay Horry at HarperCollins. Alex Gehringer at the Bright Agency represented James Rey Sanchez.
Britt Siess Creative Management
- Sweeney Boo YA graphic novel Over My Dead Body published by Andrew Arnold at HarperAlley, picked by Andrew Arnold, agent Britt Siess, formerly at Martin Literary, now at Britt Siess Creative Management,
- Alex Assan YA graphic novel, Sunhead to be published by Andrew Arnold at HarperAlley, as well as a second untitled book, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management
- Steph Mided's middle-grade graphic novel series, Club Kick Out published by Andrew Arnold at Harper Alley, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management
- Speak Up! by Rebecca Burgess, a middle-grade graphic novel, bought by Karen Chaplin at HarperCollins/Quill Tree, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management.
- Liana Sposto's debut graphic novel, The 9 Trials and sequel published by Chris Hernandez at Razorbill, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management.
- Evelyn & Avery, new three-book graphic novel series by Lauren Pierre, sold at auction to Kait Feldmann at HMH/Etch, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management.
- Get The Party Started, first chapter of a new middle-grade graphic novel series by debut graphic novelist Scout Underhill, published by Holly West at Feiwel and Friends, agent was Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management.
- Amanda Weidman had sold her first comic book Mari and the Cloud Princess, as a middle-grade graphic novel, to Grace Scheipeter at Oni Press for publication in 2023, agent Britt Siess at Britt Siess Creative Management represented North American rights.
CAT Agency
- Vanessa Flores debut middle-grade graphic novel Moriviví, bought by Nancy Mercado at Dial, agent was Christy Ewers at the CAT Agency.
- Twelfth Grade Night and King Cheer, the first two Shakespeare-based YA graphic novels in the Arden High series by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm and Jamie Green, published by Kieran Viola and Rachel Stark at Disney-Hyperion. Chad W. Beckerman at the CAT Agency represented Jamie Green.
- Rodeo Hawkins & the Daughters of Mayhem, and its sequel, Rodeo Hawkins & the Sons of Disaster, are two new graphic novels to be written by John Claude Bemis and illustrated by Nicole Miles, bought by Margaret Ferguson at Holiday House. Chad Beckerman at the CAT Agency & CWB represented Nicole Miles.
Creative Authors
- Graphic novella AI by Guojing (Jing Guo) published by Laura Godwin at Godwin Books, agent was Isabel Atherton at Creative Authors
CRWN Studios
- Marie Enger's graphic novel Controlled Burn published by Random House Graphic, agent was Cory Casoni at CRWN Studios rights
Curtis Brown
- Victoria Grace Elliott's new nonfiction middle-grade graphic novel Yummy: A History of Tasty Experiments to be published by Whitney Leopard at Random House Graphic, agent was Steven Salpeter at Curtis Brown.
DeFiore And Company
- Jessica Olien middle-grade graphic novel, Fox Hall, published by Brian Geffen for at Henry Holt Books For Young Readers, agent was Meredith Kaffel Simonoff at DeFiore and Company.
- Hena Khan and Safiya Zerrougu sold their new middle-grade graphic novel We Are Big Time at auction, won by Rotem Moscovich at Knopf. Hena Khan's agent Matthew Elblonk at DeFiore and Company.
Einstein Literary
- Expedition Backyard, nonfiction young chapter book graphic novel by Rosemary Mosco and Binglin Hu, published by Gina Gagliano at Random House Graphic. Binglin Hu's agent is Susan Graham at Einstein Literary Management.
- Unhappy Camper, new middle-grade graphic novel by Lily LaMotte and Ann Xu, published by Clarissa Wong at HarperCollins. Susan Graham at Einstein Literary Management represented Ann Xu.
- Danny Lore and Seth Smith auctioned debut middle-grade graphic novel Kicks, bought by Cassandra Pelham Fulton at Scholastic/Graphix, agent was Susan Graham at Einstein Literary.
- Hena Khan and Safiya Zerrougu sold their new middle-grade graphic novel We Are Big Time at auction, won by Rotem Moscovich at Knopf. Safiya Zerrougu's agent was Paloma Hernando at Einstein Literary.
Emerald City Literary
- Blood City Rollers is the debut graphic novel from writer/artist team Veronica Park Anderson and Tatiana Hill, published by Liesa Abrams at Labyrinth Road. Mandy Hubbard at Emerald City Literary represented Veronica Park Anderson
Erin Murphy Literary
- Stephen W. Martin and Linh Pham graphic novel series, Nancy Spector, Monster Detective, bought by Sarah Alpert at Algonquin Books, agent was Ammi-Joan Paquette at Erin Murphy Literary
- Reggie by Jen de Oliveira graphic novels published by Esther Cajahuaringa at Little, Brown, agent was Ammi-Joan Paquette at Erin Murphy Literary
- Mari Ahokoivu's Oksi YA graphic novel bought by Nick Thomas at Levine Querido agent was Tuomas Sorjamaa at Ferly.
Folio Literary
- Shakti, debut middle-grade graphic novel by SJ Sindu, and Nabi H. Ali, published by Clarissa Wong at HarperAlley. SJ Sindu's agents are Erin Harris and John Cusick at Folio Literary
Full Circle Literary
- Cabaret Macabre, new graphic novel by Mercedes Acosta, bought at auction by Kate Harrison for Dial, agent was Mercedes Acosta at Full Circle Literary.
Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency
- Growing Pangs, memoir-style middle-grade graphic novel written by Kathryn Ormsbee and drawn by Molly Brooks, published by Shana Corey and Polo Orozco at Random House, agent was Beth Phelan at Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency
The Gernert Co.
- Expedition Backyard, nonfiction young chapter book graphic novel by Rosemary Mosco and Binglin Hu, published by Gina Gagliano at Random House Graphic. Rosemary Mosco's agent is Seth Fishman at the Gernert Co
- Tillie Walden's Walking Dead YA graphic novel Clementine Book One published by Skybound, with agent Seth Fishman at the Gernert Co
- Ethan Young's Dragon Path and 39 Clues graphic novel published by Scholastic/Graphix, with agent Seth Fishman at the Gernert Co
- Yehuda and Maya Devir's One Of These Days graphic novel published by Random House, with agent Seth Fishman at the Gernert Co
- Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson's next illustrated adult nonfiction published by Riverhead, with agent Seth Fishman at the Gernert Co
Hansen Literary Management
- Johnnie Christmas' three untitled graphic novels, bought at auction by Andrew Arnold at Harper Alley, agent was Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary Management.
- Jessi Zabarsky's second YA graphic novel, Coming Back, published by Whitney Leopard at Random House Graphic, agent was Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary Management.
- Beak & Ally graphic novel series by Norm Feuti, bought at auction by Andrew Arnold at HarperAlley, agent was Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary Management.
- The Greater Good is a new graphic novel written by Whit Taylor, with art by Joyce Rice, published by Mark Siegel, Editorial & Creative Director at First Second. Whit Taylor was represented by Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary.
Hill Nadell Literary Agency
- Buzzing, a middle-grade graphic novel by Samuel Sattin and Jen Hickman acquired by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, with agent Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- The Secret Garden on 81st Street, a middle-grade graphic novel modern retelling of The Secret Garden by Ivy Noelle Weir and Amber Padilla, published by Rachel Poloski at Little, Brown, Padilla represented by agent Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- High Moon, Only Living Girl, and Only Living Boy graphic novel by David Gallaher and Steve Ellis sold to Papercutz, Steve Ellis, agent was Dara Hyde from Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- Mel Hilario, Lauren Davis, and Katie Longua auctioned their graphic novel, Agent Cupcake, won by Grace Scheipeter at Oni Press. Dara Hyde of Hill Nadel Agency represented them all.
- Amber Padilla's debut YA graphic novel Sugar-Coated to Graphix/Scholastic by Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- Lilah Sturges's The Science Of Ghosts, illustrated by Alitha Martinez, published by Legendary Comics, with agent Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- Samuel Sattin and Christina "Steenz" Stewart's Side Quest: A Visyal History Of Role Playing Games, being published by Imprint/Macmillan, Samuel Sattin represented by Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency.
- Wolfwalkers, graphic novel adaptation of the animation created by Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart, adapted by Samuel Sattin, published by Little Brown for Young Readers, with agent Dara Hyde at Hill Nadell Literary Agency
Holroyde Cartey Ltd. International
- Sophie Burrows debut graphic novel Crushing, to be published by Rosie Fickling at David Fickling Books, agent was Claire Cartey at Holroyde Cartey Ltd. International.
Howard Morhaim Literary
- The Greater Good is a new graphic novel written by Whit Taylor, with art by Joyce Rice, published by Mark Siegel, Editorial & Creative Director at First Second. Whit Taylor was represented by Judy Hansen at Hansen Literary. Joyce Rice was represented by Kate McKean at Howard Morhaim Literary.
ICM Partners
- Bowen McCurdy's graphic novel Cover Your Tracks published by Kiara Valdez at First Second, agent was Tamara Kawar at ICM Partners
Inkwell Management
- Niki Smith, middle-grade graphic novel The Golden Hour, published by Rachel Poloski at Little Brown, agent was Charlie Olsen at InkWell Management.
- Yehudi Mercado's graphic memoir Chunky, to be published by Ben Rosenthal at HarperCollins/Tegen, agent was Charlie Olsen at InkWell Management
- Si, Se Puede, non fiction graphic novel by Julio Anta and Yasmín Flores Montañez published Shaida Boroumand by Ten Speed Press, agent was Jessica Mileo at InkWell Management
- Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo, young adult Frontera, published by Carolina Ortiz at the HarperAlley Comics imprint bought the book, agent was Jessica Mileo at InkWell Management
- Goodbye to All of You by Alexander Lu, Tara Kurtzhals and Maarta Laiho is a middle-grade graphic novel published by Russ Busse at Abrams, agents were Charlie Olsen and Jessica Mileo at Inkwell Management
- I Shall Never Fall in Love by Hari Conner, debut YA graphic novel, sold at auction to Harriet Low of HMH, agent was Jessica Mileo at InkWell Management
- Minh Lê's middle-grade graphic novel Enlighten Me drawn by Chan Chau to be published by Disney/Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown. Minh Lê's agent was Stephen Barbara at Inkwell Management.
- Minh Lê's middle-grade graphic novel The New Immortals, drawn by Jade Feng Lee to be published by Disney/Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown. Minh Lê's agent was Stephen Barbara at Inkwell Management.
Janklow & Nesbit
- Jonah Newman's debut semi-autobiographical YA graphic novel Out of Left Field bought at auction by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Chad Luibl at Janklow & Nesbit.
- Kathy Macleod's first graphic novel. middle-grade graphic memoir Continental Drifter, will be published by Robyn Chapman at First Second, agent was Chad Luibl of Janklow & Nesbit Associates.
Janna Co.
- Shauna J. Grant, early readers graphic novel, Mimi & Penelope, to be published by Megan Peace and David Saylor at Scholastic Graphix, agent was Janna Morishima at Janna Co.
- Punycorn graphic novel by Andi Watson published by Anne Hoppe at Clarion, agent Janna Morishima at Janna Co.
- Debbie Fong debut graphic novel Next Stop published by Gina Gagliano at Random House Graphic, agent was Janna Morishima at Janna Co
Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
- Alex L. Combs nonfiction YA graphic novel, Trans History: A Graphic Novel sold at auction to Andrea Tompa at Candlewick, agent Zabé Ellor at the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency.
- Christina Soontornvat and Joanna Cacao sold two graphic novel memoirs, The Tryout and its sequel, The Squad, at auction, won by Tracy Mack at Scholastic/Graphix. Joanna Cacao's agent was Tara Gilbert at Jennifer De Chiara Literary
- Author-illustrator Joanna Cacao's debut graphic novel The Secret Of Ravens, a Filipino -inspired middle-grade fantasy graphic novel, won at auction by Eloubeth Agyernang at Etch, Joanna Cacao's agent was Tara Gilbert at Jennifer De Chiara Literary
The Lisa Richards Agency
- Frankie's World graphic novel by Aoife Dooley published by Yasmin Morrissey at Scholastic UK, agent was Faith O'Grady at The Lisa Richards Agency
Liza Royce Agency
- Make It Count, middle grape graphic novel by Marissa Moss is published by Susan Van Metre at Walker Books US, agent was Liza Fleissig at Liza Royce Agency.
LK Literary
- Nature's Design Challenge by Rebecca Donnelly and Misa Saburi, middle-grade graphic nonfiction series bought as a three-book series by Julia Sooy at Henry Holt/Godwin, Lori Kilkelly at LK Literary represented Misa Saburi,
New Leaf Literary & Media
- Ridley Pearson graphic novel trilogy, The Indestructibles, drawn by Berat Pekmezci, published by Michele Wells at DC Comics, agent was Joanna Volpe at New Leaf Literary & Media
- Fibbed by Elizabeth Agyemang, middle-grade debut graphic novel, published by Ruta Rimas Razorbill, agent was Suzie Townsend at New Leaf Literary & Media.
- Nilah Magruder graphic novel Reel Love, bought at auction by Patrice Cobweb at Random House, agent was Suzie Townsend at New Leaf Literary & Media.
- Susie Yi's graphic novel Paper Girl auctioned to Connie Hsu at Roaring Brook, agent was Kathleen Ortiz at New Leaf Literary & Media.
- Marieke Nijkamp and Sylvia Bi's middle-grade graphic novel series Ink Girls, published by Martha Mihalick at Greenwillow. Marieke Nijkamp's agent was Suzie Townsend at New Leaf Literary & Media.
Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
- The Man Who Lives Inside His Head by Dean Stuart will be published by Liza Kaplan at Philomel Penguin Book, agent was Alice Sutherland-Hawes at Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency.
Martin Literary & Media Management
- Batter Royale by Leisl Adams published by Charlotte Greenbaum at Abrams Books, agents was Adria Goetz and Britt Siess at Martin Literary Management.
- Kay D debut graphic novel, Journey to Stars, published by Whitney Leopard at Random House Graphic, agent was Britt Siess at Martin Literary & Media Management
- Jessica and Jacinta Wibow's Lunar Boy middle-grade graphic novel, published by Carolina Ortiz at HarperAlley, agent was Britt Siess at Martin Literary & Media Management
- James Patterson and Valeria Wicker' graphic novel Eleanor Rigby, published by TS Ferguson of Little, Brown/Patterson, Wicker's agent was Adria Goetz at Martin Literary Management.
- Anne Camlin and Isadora Zeferino's graphic novel Mismatched, Bought by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Britt Siess at Martin Literary & Media Management
McKinnon Literary
- Monster Locker middle-grade graphic novel series written by Jorge Aguirre and Andrès Vera Martinez, published by Mark Siegel at First Second, agent was Tanya McKinnon at McKinnon Literary.
- Muhammad Najem, War Reporter by Muhammad Najem, Nora Neus and Julie Robine, middle-grade graphic memoir, published by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Tanya McKinnon at McKinnon Literary represented artist Julie Robine.
Nelson Literary Agency
- The Sapling's Curse Young Adult graphic novel and sequel by James Persichetti and L. Biehler published by Lily Kessinger at HMH, agent was Danielle Burby at Nelson Literary Agency negotiated the deal for world rights.
Olswanger Literary
- Michael Ralph, Nia Palmer and Laura Molnar's graphic novel Before The 13th, to be published by Patrik Henry Bass of Amistad, agent was Anna Olswanger at Olswanger Literary
- Michael Ralph, Nia Palmer and Laura Molnar, two new YA graphic novels Fishing and Basketball IQ, published by Krestyna Lypen at Algonquin. Anna Olswanger at Olswanger Literary was the agent for all three creators.
Painted Words
- Freshman Year, debut YA graphic novel by Sarah Mai, published by Jessica Anderson at Little, Brown/Ottaviano, agents Claire Easton and Lori Nowicki at Painted Words.
- Josh Crute and James Rey Sanchez' new early reader graphic novel series Super Serious Mysteries, the first book The Untimely Passing of Nicholas Fart: A Who-Dealt-It Mystery to be published by Luana Kay Horry at HarperCollins. Claire Easton at Painted Words represented Josh Crute.
Pippin Properties
- Drew Brockington's early reader Waffles and Pancakes published by Rachel Poloski at Little, Brown, agent was Elena Giovinazzo at Pippin Properties.
- Growing Pangs, memoir-style middle-grade graphic novel written by Kathryn Ormsbee and drawn by Molly Brooks, published by Shana Corey and Polo Orozco at Random House. Molly Brooks agent was Sara Crowe at Pippin Properties.
- Stick & Stone: Friends Forever, early reader graphic novel series, by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld published by Kate O'Sullivan at HMH, Beth Ferry agent was Elena Giovinazzo at Pippin Properties
P.S. Literary Agency
- Mat Heagerty and Sam Owen's kids graphic novel, Lumberjackula, published by Kendra Levin at Simon & Schuster, agent was Maria Vicente at P.S. Literary Agency
- Ashley Robin Franklin YA graphic novel, The Hills of Estrella Roja, published by Lily Kessinger at HMH, agent was Maria Vicente at P.S. Literary Agency
- Bones Leopard middle-grade graphic novel Identical published by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Maria Vicente at P.S. Literary Agency.
- Stephanie Cooke and Mel Valentine YA graphic novel, Pillow Talk, published by Lily Kessinger at HMH/Etch, agent was Maria Vicente at P.S. Literary Agency.
Prospect Agency
- Keith Marantz and Larissa Marantz, middle-grade sci-fi graphic novel Blake Laser. Published by Clarissa Wong of HarperCollins, agent was Rachel Orr at the Prospect Agency
Red Fox Literary
- Christina Soontornvat and Joanna Cacao sold two graphic novel memoirs, The Tryout and its sequel, The Squad, at auction, won by Tracy Mack at Scholastic/Graphix. Christina Soontornvat's agent was Stephanie Fretwell-Hill at Red Fox Literary.
Root Literary
- Sarah Sax's The Brinkley Yearbook, a series of middle-grade graphic novels, Picture Day, School Dance, Tryouts, Class Trip sold at auction to Marisa DiNovis at Knopf, agent was Molly O'Neill at Root Literary
- Saving Sunshine new middle grade graphic novel by Saadia Faruqi and Shazleen Khan. published by Calista Brill and Samia Fakih at First Second, Shazleen Khan's agent was Kurestin Armada at Root Literary.
- How It All Ends is the middle-grade graphic novel debut of Emma Hunsinger, the book and its sequel auctioned/bought by Martha Mihalick at Greenwillow, agent was Molly O'Neill at Root Literary.
- Minh Lê's middle-grade graphic novel Enlighten Me drawn by Chan Chau to be published by Disney/Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown. Chan Chau's agent Molly O'Neill at Root Literary.
- Minh Lê's middle-grade graphic novel The New Immortals, drawn by Jade Feng Lee to be published by Disney/Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown. Jade Feng Lee's agent Kurestin Armada, also at Root Literary.
Sandra Dijkstra Literary
- If You'll Have Me, a YA Sapphic rom-com graphic novel by Eunnie and sequel, sold at auction for six figures to Dana Leydig at Viking Press, agent was Thao Le at Sandra Dijkstra Literary.
- Gnome and Rat by Lauren Stohler, early reader graphic novel series, published by Rotem Moscovich at Knopf, agent was Thao Le of Sandra Dijkstra & Associates.
Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
- Muhammad Najem, War Reporter by Muhammad Najem, Nora Neus and Julie Robine, middle-grade graphic memoir, published by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Wendi Gu at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates for Muhammad Najem and Nora Neus.
- Agnes Lee's graphic novel 49 Days will be published by Nick Thomas at Levine Querido in 2023, agent was Abigail Frank at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates negotiated the deal.
- Kelsey Wroten has auctioned the rights to her YA graphic novel Everyone Sux But You, won by Mark Podesta at Holt, agent was Edward Maxwell at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates.
Stimola Literary Studio
- Survival Scout, middle grade non-fiction series by Maxwell Eaton III, Lost in the Mountains and Tsunami published by Emily Feinberg at Roaring Brook, agent was Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio
- Night Chef, middle-grade graphic novel by Mika Song, published by Whitney Leopard at Random House Graphic, agent was Erica Rand Silverman at Stimola Literary Studio.
- Mari Costa YA graphic novel Belle of the Ball and sequel published by Calista Brill at First Second, agent was Peter Ryan at Stimola Literary Studio.
- Vikram Madan's early reader graphic novels featuring Owl & Penguin, published by Sally Morgridge at Holiday House, agent was Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio
- Dan and Jaso have sold three books of middle-grade graphic novel series Barb The Berzerker to Kendra Levin at Simon and Schuster for a large six-figure advance sum for world English rights. Their agent is Erica Rand Silverman at Stimola Literary Studio
- Champions Of Breakfast by Reed Black, is a YA graphic novel series, published by Chris Hernandez at Razorbill, agent was Alyssa Jennette at Stonesong
- Amina Mucciolo's autobiographical middle-grade graphic novel published by Erinn Pascal at Scholastic, agent was Melissa Edwards at Stonesong.
Susan Schulman Literary
- Puffin vs. Penguin middle-grade graphic novel by Helaine Becker and Kevin Sylvester, published by Katie Scott at Kids Can Press. Helaine Becker's agent was Susan Schulman at Susan Schulman Literary.
Tobias Literary Agency
- Roofhoppers, graphic novel by Andi Porretta published by Alex Borbolla at Atheneum, agent was Natascha Morris at the Tobias Literary Agency.
- Marieke Nijkamp and Sylvia Bi's middle-grade graphic novel series Ink Girls, published by Martha Mihalick at Greenwillow. Sylvia Bi's agent was Natascha Morris at Tobias Literary Agency
- Leap, a YA graphic novel by Simina Popescu, pre-empted by Mekisha Telfer at Roaring Brook for Winter 2024, agent was Natascha Morris at Tobias Literary Agency.
Transatlantic Agency
- Friendbots, early reader series by Vicky Fang, published by Andrew Arnold at HarperAlley, agent was Elizabeth Bennett at Transatlantic Agency
- Kathleen Gros' Anne and Carousel Summer middle-grade graphic novels, published by Alexandra Cooper at HarperCollins imprint, Quill Tree, agent was Elizabeth Bennett at Transatlantic Agency.
- Chrissie Krebs' early reader graphic novel series Bizard, The Bear Wizard published by Margaret Ferguson at Holiday House, agent was Elizabeth Bennett at Transatlantic Agency.
- Rich Moyer's graphic novel series Ham Helsing Vampire Hunter, published by Emily Easton at Crown Publishing, agent was Timothy Travaglini at Transatlantic Agency.
- Nick Drnaso's graphic novel Acting Class published by Rowan Cope and Anne Meadows at Granta UK, agent was Samantha Haywood and Evan Brown of Transatlantic Agency.
Triada US
- Sort Of Super and Sort Of Super middle grade graphic novels by Eric Gapstur, published by Liesa Abrams at Aladdin and agents were Uwe Stender and Brent Taylor at Triada US
Trident Media Group
- Breena Bard middle-grade graphic novel Wildfire published by Andrea Colvin at Little, Brown, agent was Alex Slater at Trident Media Group
- Twelfth Grade Night and King Cheer, the first two Shakespeare-based YA graphic novels in the Arden High series by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm and Jamie Green, published by Kieran Viola and Rachel Stark at Disney-Hyperion. Agent Alex Slater at Trident Media Group represented Molly Horton Booth
Tugeau 2
- Corey Egbert, YA graphic novel Visitations published by Joy Peskin at FSG, agent was Nicole Tugeau at Tugeau 2.
Unter Agency
- Kiel Phegley and Jacques Khouri's middle-grade graphic novel Strikers, published by Greg Hunter Lerner/Graphic Universe. Kiel's agent was Jennifer Unter at the Unter Agency
Wernick & Pratt
- Playdate, graphic novel for younger readers by Frank W. Dormer, published by Emma Ledbetter at Abrams, agent was Emily Mitchell at Wernick & Pratt
Westwood Creative Artists
- Puffin vs. Penguin middle-grade graphic novel by Helaine Becker and Kevin Sylvester, published by Katie Scott at Kids Can Press. Kevin Sylvester's agent was Michael Levine at Westwood Creative Artists.
Wolfson Literary Agency
- Hide by Kiersten White to be a graphic novel published by Kaitlin Ketchum at Ten Speed Press, agent was Michelle Wolfson at Wolfson Literary Agency
Writers House
- Jamar Nocilas sold at auction, Leon The Extraordinary, a three-book middle-grade graphic novel series to David Saylor for Scholastic Graphix, agent was Daniel Lazar at Writers House
- Corey R Tabor three graphic novels, Sir Ladybug, published by Donna Bray at HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, agent was Rebecca Sherman at Writers House.
- Raise The Bar by Fernanda Frick bought by Nancy Mercado at publishing house Dial, the agent was Johanna Castillo at Writers House.
- Paul Gilligan's Pluto Rocket to be published by Tundra Editorial Assistant Peter Phillips and Tara Walker, Vice President and Publisher, Penguin Random House Canada Young Readers, agent was Stephen Barr at Writers House
- Mac Barnett's young reader graphic novel The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza, to be published by Mabel Hsu at HarperCollins/Tegen, agent was Steven Malk at Writers House
- Pedro Martin middle grade-graphic memoir Mexkid published by Kate Harrison at Dial, agent was Daniel Lazar at Writers House